Here’s a 👀 look at what we cover at Kids Church with your kids. Use these resources to help them continue to grow their faith at 🏠 home during the week.

TAKE SOME TIME TO: ❤️ Read the Bible Story together 🧡 Review the Big Idea 💛 Ask Questions 💚 Practice the Memory Verse

FEBRUARY 9, 16, & 23

When we visit an aquarium, we discover a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and wonders that seem almost like a miracle! But did you know that miracles don’t just happen under the sea? Jesus used water in some of His most incredible miracles! In this four-week series, kids will dive deep into stories of Jesus’ miracles and learn how He: Does everything out of love, calls us to follow Him, and knows exactly what we need.

Remember This

Your kids are memorizing the Bible verse Psalms 77:14 (NIV), in case you want to practice together.

February 9

Big Idea: Jesus does everything out of love.

Bible: John 2:1-12; 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

February 16

BIG IDEA: Jesus calls us to follow him.

BIBLE: A Miraculous Catch of Fish:Luke 5:1–11; Isaiah 6:1–8

February 23

BIG IDEA: Jesus knows what we need.

BIBLE: The Healing at the Pool:John 5:1–9a; Jeremiah 17:7–10