Serve on Sunday Morning

It takes a team of volunteers to make worship services the best they can be!

The Hospitality team makes each Sunday's worship a warm and welcoming experience for members and guests. Here are some of the areas where the Hospitality team needs volunteers:
  • Door greeters - welcome people as they enter the school
  • Parking lot greeters - set out signs in the parking lot and welcome people as they drive in
  • Prayer request table - encourage people to make requests for our prayer team, provide prayer tokens, and pray with them
  • Visitor welcome table - welcome visitors, encourage them to sign up for more information, and provide them a first-time visitor gift
  • Coffee and donuts - make coffee, set out donuts, and ensure coffee supplies; afterwards clean up coffee pots and area
Music is a major element of a the worship service, and Mosaic UMC has a mix of traditional and contemporary music. We welcome those who would like to use their talents to add to our worship experience:
  • Praise Band - use your talents to provide music for the congregation to sing along with. We usually have guitars, bass, keyboard, and percussion.
  • Choir - our choir rehearses most Tuesday nights and sings usually once a month. We're always looking for enthusiastic singers! Learn more here.
  • Instrumental Ensemble - adult and high school instrument players are invited to perform with our ensemble, usually monthly.
The Pastor and Music Ministry make the core of the worship program, but we depend on a number of other people to provide other key parts of the experience:
  • Altar Flowers - sign up  to volunteer to bring in flowers for our altar each week
  • Altar Setup - our altar is a focal point of our worship, so we want to make sure it is visually appealing with a Bible, candle, and other elements. We also make sure we have bread and juice for Communion services.
  • Ushers - our ushers take up the collection each Sunday, and they also help guide worshippers to the altar for Communion services.
  • Lay Reading - each week a member of our congregation reads the scripture for the week. This is open to confident readers who are adults or youth.
  • Communion Servers - during Communion services, members serve the bread and juice for worshippers.
  • Audio/Video - each Sunday, we need volunteers to setup and take down the audio equipment, and to run the sound board. We also videotape each service so people can view it on our YouTube channel. Training is available.
Even though we use a school cafeteria, the site support team helps create a welcoming worship space every Sunday morning. Here are areas where you can help:
  • Setup Team - before each Church service, help unload the trailer, set up the altar tables, hospitality area, and other items needed for worship.
  • Teardown Team - after Church, help ensure chairs get stacked and racked, move out cafeteria tables, and pack up any items to go back into the trailer.
  • Truck Squad - each week we need a volunteer with a vehicle with a large towing capacity to drive to the trailer storage, haul the trailer to the Bleyl, and back it in. Afterwards, the trailer will need to be hauled back to our storage area.